Persevering in Love

Alejandro is six years old and one of the sweetest kids I think I have ever met. He is in first grade in Linderos school, a small town in the Guanacaste province. He is a part of the new Kids Club in Linderos. The Potter’s Field Kids (PFK) Bible Club started four months ago. Alejandro was one of the first kids to attend.

When I met Alejandro, he was very quiet. He didn’t like talking very much and kept to himself a lot. He would make funny noises at times and give you a sweet smile. There are about 20 kids that attend PFK Linderos, and they all go to the same school. They all hang out and know each other. Linderos is mainly an agricultural town. The community as a whole is very close-knit. In the beginning, all the kids were pretty distant, which I understood, but you could see the desire to open up in Alejandro’s eyes. You could tell that he wanted to know more and to be known more. And that is just what happened.


In the last three months, we have seen and gotten to be a part of the beautiful process of his opening up. When Alejandro and all the other kids first started attending Kids Club, they didn’t know who Jesus was. They didn’t know that He had died on the cross for them so that they could be saved, and that He desires to have a relationship with each one of them. They didn’t know about the gospel or what grace was. And over the last three months, we have seen the power of the message of Christ start to transform each one of their lives. We have begun to see fruit in their words and actions. Alejandro talks now. He shares his feelings and his thoughts. He shares his silly jokes and his life with us.

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Alejandro with IGNITE intern, Vanessa, of Calvary Chapel OKC

There was a bit of discouragement at first because I wanted to know him more, but he didn’t seem like he would ever be willing to share. But as we were able to love him, and share with him more about the God of the Bible, he became a new Alejandro. I still remember that day, we had just finished setting up, and he ran all the way to me from across the field and jumped into my arms. Alejandro, the kid who had barely said maybe five words to me in the last six weeks, had just run to me from across a field and hugged me. He started to talk to me about his day at school, the games he liked to play and how he was excited for the Bible lesson. To say I was shocked and overjoyed all at the same time isn’t even enough. From that day on I have just gotten to know more and more this boy who loves to laugh.

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Alejandro is a sweet boy who loves immensely even if it takes time for him to warm up. He loves to play, and he loves to learn about the God of Abraham. The story of Abraham has so far been his favorite, and you can see it in his face as he is sitting and taking in this story about a man who failed and doubted time and time again. Yet, God used him and kept His covenant. You can see the desire he has to know more about this God who surpasses all our humanness and to learn more about His word. Pray that Alejandro would truly give his life to God. And that even at just six years old he would shine as a bright light in his home, his school, and his country. Pray he would continue to grow in his love for God and His word. That he would grow up to be a man who fears God, a man who loves God, and a man who walks with God.