Even to Eternity

The following was written by IGNITE Class 11 intern, Alisha Espinal of CC Agape, reflecting on her time in the training portion of the IGNITE program before heading to Browning, MT to serve alongside Glacier View Baptist Chapel on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation for the next six months.

Dear Sponsors of Potter’s Field Ministries,

            My name is Alisha Espinal and I am 24 years old. Before coming to IGNITE, I was attending Calvary Chapel Agape in the Bronx, New York. I am a part of Class 11 and currently in the training process of the program. It has been a great time for studying the Bible, discipleship, and serving in Kids Club and outreaches. I joined IGNITE to seek the Lord without the distractions of the world; I truly wanted to seek His will for my life rather than following the pattern the world has set. As you may know, after training we will be serving on the mission field for six months. I didn’t have an idea of where the Lord would send me, nor a desire in my heart to serve in any specific location. When we received our field assignments I was told I was going to Browning, Montana to the Blackfeet Indian Reservation located in the Northwest United States. I am looking forward to serving there, as I have always been interested in the plight of the Native Americans. I am looking forward to serving and truly becoming a part of the community as best as I can over the upcoming six months.


Alisha and teammates during a market outreach presenting the Gospel in Antigua, Guatemala

           IGNITE has truly impacted my life in more ways than I could have ever dreamt possible. I have truly seen how the Lord wants to guide me step by step. Living in His way requires steps of faith and the decision to put our own desires and will to the side in order to follow Him. It has truly helped me evolve. I do not have many Christian friends my age back home, and it is amazing to see how discipleship, accountability, and fellowship aid in walking closely with Christ. Various outreaches and serving opportunities have shown me the joy I can have in my life through serving Him. IGNITE has given me the tools and boldness to share the Gospel. One of the most impactful moments was going to Escuintla, a city located on a trash dump. I met a beautiful little girl named Dulce. Her intelligence and eagerness to learn inspired me. As I taught her some English words and saw how quickly she learned, I saw how bright she was, but I also saw the difficult circumstances she would have to face to overcome her surroundings. I felt led by the Spirit to tell her that all her power comes from Christ and with Him she could achieve anything. I will be praying for Dulce, and who knows what the Lord will do with the words I shared with her, but I know that the Lord used Dulce to show me just how amazing He is. The Lord softened my heart to care for others and to share the one true hope in a living God and His word.


Alisha with child at Potter’s Field Kids Club

            I just want to truly thank you for your support. Without your generosity this would not be possible. I see how many hearts are not only being transformed in IGNITE but during Kids Club, outreaches, and serving in the community. I know this experience will not only impact my life here on earth but for eternity. “Thank you” does not suffice for the opportunity provided to me through your support and prayers. I intend on carrying the tools taught to me to be a light to my family and friends and to be a better daughter and sister. If I can leave you with anything, I want to give you the assurance that you are making a difference and playing an important role in changing lives, even to eternity.

Thank you!