Sweet Srey Mouy!

Sefora (of Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale) has spent the past four months serving in Cambodia with the Potter’s Field IGNITE Program. During this time the Lord has instilled a deep love for the children that attend PFK Cambodia in Sefora’s heart. One of those children is sweet Srey Mouy!

“When asked, Srey Mouy did not hesitate to express her gratitude for the role PFK has played in her life. Throughout her time here, she has been able to make lifelong friends, receive help in her studies, and most importantly, growth and knowledge of her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.”

Srey Mouy is a sweet 13-year-old girl that I’ve had the pleasure of meeting through the Potter’s Field Kids Program. She is in the 6th grade at the Smao Knhey School in her village Samrong Yong, located in the Takeo Province. She has been a part of the PFK program for a little over one year. She found out about the program from one of her close friends. Although she’s only been attending for a year, she’s known Jesus for three years. Her older sister first shared the gospel with her and has been an encouragement in her relationship with Jesus ever since. She faithfully attends weekly alongside her younger sister. Her parents have also recently become Christians, and they attend church as a family of five.

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IGNITE Class 13 intern, Sefora (of CCFL) with Srey Mouy!

Srey Mouy’s parents are farmers in the Kan Deong Village. Although she enjoys accompanying her parents in working the fields, she would love to be a doctor when she grows up. One of her greatest desires in life is to become a doctor so she can help and support her family and community.  As for now, her hobbies include spending time with her family and friends, watching TV, and enjoying activities in her church. One could quickly point her out, as she is full of joy and almost always has a smile on her face. When I first met Srey Mouy, she was shy and slow to speak, but she quickly warmed up after playing games and hanging out with one another. One of my favorite memories has to be when we were able to play jump rope with a few of the other girls; many laughs were shared.

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Srey Mouy and Sefora enjoying their time at Kids Club!

 Srey has shared with me that her favorite Bible story is Adam and Eve because God created humans so that He could have a relationship with them. She knows that God loves and cares about her because the leaders of PFK make His love evident by their willingness to help her in any situation. She was experiencing trouble in school with math, and through the program, her teachers were able to come alongside her and give her the attention she needed. She is now doing very well in school and even looks forward to it every day.

Getting to firsthand experience the impact that the Potter’s Field Kids Program has on the children throughout the Kingdom of Cambodia has forever changed my heart towards education and the Gospel. Thank you, sponsors, for allowing every one of these children to not only receive hope on earth but an eternal hope in Jesus. May we continue proclaiming the name of Jesus ’Til The Whole World Hears.